Healthy Habits for Life: How do you know if you’re doing enough?

A guide to gauge your well-being and ensure a continued path to success How do you personally define health and wellbeing?  How do you gauge when you have it? Are there daily routines that you participate in that are non-negotiable to ensure you are caring for yourself in this…

Use What You Know

I almost worked in insurance. The unknown is scary. When push comes to shove, it can be so nerve-racking to take risk that we play it safe, inadvertently sacrificing our own happiness. I almost chickened out and worked in insurance, which, if you know me, is probably not a…

My Wake-up Call… and lowering the chances of your own

Ten years ago, at age 33, I was given what I like to think of now as a wake-up call. It announced itself instantly. I was lifting my toddler out of the bath and, ‘boom’! Something snapped. I couldn’t move. And I was terrified. Severe back pain stopped me…

Challenge Reframed

When pertaining to your health, the word ‘challenge’ is often used to describe a goal to push and strive for. Our society rewards overworking, overtraining, and ‘crushing’ our goals. While this can be motivating and even essential for hitting some targets, we can sometimes benefit from viewing ‘challenge’ differently….

Rewards Reframed

Do you have a tendency to sabotage your health and fitness efforts with ‘rewards’ for good behaviour? Here’s how to find out: You make it to the gym, have a good run on the treadmill, and treat yourself to a double scoop ice cream cone afterward. You cut out…

The Power of the Mindful Pause

By: Leigh Graham Last year I took the opportunity to go on a ten-day silent meditation retreat at the Ontario Vipassana Centre, in which approximately 100 other men and women and I sat silently (and still!) for 10 hours a day, eyes closed, meditating. We ate together and bunked together, and…

On Being Un’Reason’able

Upon reflection on your last year, what did 2017 represent for you? 2017 was one of courage for me. The best part about it is that this time I got to choose to be brave; it was not a requirement due to my circumstances. After spending five years reestablishing…

Top 10 reasons I love my job

As I sit more often in quiet contemplation after a busy holiday season, I find myself  attuned to simple but amazing moments in which gratitude washes over me.  ‘I have so much to be thankful for!’ I suddenly realize.  ‘In this moment, all is well.’  That’s something to be grateful for….

Why ‘Great Enough’ is better than Perfection

Have you ever considered yourself a perfectionist or tried to be more of one? Let’s explore a topic that has touched most of us directly and/or indirectly in our lives: Perfection. The word may be weighted for you, and I’m going to guess it is not linked with comfort or…

Separation: Not just a bad word

This past February, I was fortunate enough to experience a rejuvenating trip to Tulum, Mexico with my twin sister to celebrate our fortieth birthdays. Tulum is truly a mystical, magical place; one in which it would be hard not to embrace the moment. I can honestly say it feels…